Health Fitness Strength & Balance

One to one studio training
Training in our Move studio makes personal training 'personal'. There will be no disruptions, no waiting for equipment and no one to stand in the way of your goals. If you are self-conscious or just do not enjoy exercising in front of an audience, this is the perfect solution.

One to one home training
If you prefer or do not have time to travel to the gym; then why not have a Move personal trainer come to you. Whether you chose to exercise at your house, local Park, office or a muddy field we can accommodate.

Small group training
Group personal training is quickly becoming a very popular way of getting fit. It puts the fun and social element back into exercise and can be a very cost effective way of getting into shape.

Weight loss/nutrition consultation
The guess work for your weight loss will be taken away with the use of a unique assessment. It is the fastest way to burning fat and get lean because it is individualized for your own unique body fat and hormonal composition. Using this assessment we are in a position to accurately gauge hormonal imbalances indicating your limiting factor when it comes to losing weight. It will compare the ratios of where you store fat across your body and assess your body's problem areas enabling you to rapidly burn the fat away from those hard to shift places.

Strength& conditioning training
Sports specific training will target specific fitness and strength aims to help you quickly achieve your fitness goals. Conditioning should always be recognized as an essential part of an athlete’s routine in pursuit of excellence, and training specifically for your sport will help take you to that next level of performance. If you feel you would be a better player is you was stronger, more powerful, quicker, more agile or had better endurance then Move performance is for you.

Muscle activation assessment
Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) is a system designed to evaluate and treat muscular imbalances. It looks at muscle tightness as a form of protection in the body. Weak or inhibited muscles can create the need for other muscles to tighten up in order to help stabilize the joints. MAT gets to the root of pain or injury by addressing muscle weakness rather than muscle tightness. This helps to restore normal body alignment, thereby, decreasing pain, reducing muscle stiffness, reducing your risk of injury and improving your physical performance.

Boxercise training
If you’re looking to a stress busting workout then look no further then Move Boxercise. Boxercise combines use of both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems with the systematic recruitment of both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers in a manner that not only ensures a diverse workout, but also enhances sports specific senses, including hand-eye co-ordination, balance and timing. This session can be done on a one to one basis or in a small group session either at the Move Personal Training Studio or at your home.

Pilates focuses on building your body's core strength and improving your posture through a series of low impact stretching and conditioning exercises. By core strength, we are talking about your back, abdominal and pelvic muscles. Through Pilates, you will be able to develop these muscles without adding bulk, increasing your flexibility and agility and at the same time toning your stomach and thigh muscles. This also helps you develop an awareness of how your body works, helping your mind and body to work in harmony.